SASC and Albins

Southwark Aquatics Swimming Club
Southwark Aquatics Swimming Club is pleased to announce that the Club will be continuing their association with Albin’s.

After the very sad passing away of the Swimming Club’s President, Dr Barry Albin, his sons Simon and Jon have taken on the roles of President and Vice President of the swimming club.
Both Simon & Jon have stated that they are honoured to have been asked by the Club to carry on the tradition of presenting the Barry-Albin Memorial Trophy.
Barry always said how proud he was to be patron of the Club and that he loved receiving updates letting him know competition results, team gala outcomes and individual achievements of the swimmers Personal Best Times, County, Regional and National qualifying times.
The Barry Albin Memorial Trophy is the trophy that Barry presented to “The Most Improved Swimmer” at the end of each swimming year.
This season’s lucky recipient is Zivile. She has made amazing progress in the short time she has been a member of Southwark Aquatics Swimming Club and has been competing for only a short while. The Coaches are amazed at the way Zivile has developed as a swimmer and have high hopes for her in the future.
After presenting Zivile with the trophy, Simon donated a cheque to the Swimming Club, which the Club was extremely grateful and said that Jon and himself would like to wish the club and all of the swimmers the very best of luck in all events in the coming season.