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Finn's Triathlon Debut

A big 'Well Done!' from everyone at Southwark aquatics to Finn who competed in his first triathlon over the weekend. Finn was 5th out of the lake in his wave and totally loved it, according to Finn it was the best day ever!!

Kent Junior League

On Saturday Tony and our Junior Team competed in the Kent Junior League for the first time. The team travelled together to Canterbury by coach and had an excellant night full of great swims by all the team and some impressive pb's.

The team finished 5th, a great debut to the competition!

May recipient of the Jack Petchy Award

May's recipient of the Jack Petchy award is Jessie. Jessie has been nominated by many of the Club's members who have noticed her renewed committment to her training and her behaviour in the pool. She is becoming a great role model and should be very proud of herself. We look forward to hearing how she uses her award money.

watch this space!

Barry Albin

It is with great saddness that we received the news that our Club President Mr Barry Albin had passed away. Mr Albin had been battling cancer for the past year but lost his fight on Saturday at home surrounded by his family.

Mr Albin was passionate about the local community and donated the Barry Albin Cup for the most improved swimmer so that the young people at Southwark Aquatics could be proud of their achievments. We hope to continue with this  award in his memory.

March recipient of the Jack Petchy Award.

We are pleased to award Tara the first JPF award of 2015. Tara is being recognised for all the hard work she puts into helping coach many of our younger swimmers. Tara does this as a volunteer and also continues to swim competitively in team galas such the White Horse League.

As well as finding time to help out the club Tara is also studying for her A-Levels.

She is an excellent role model to all our swimmers, well done Tara.


Christmas Comes Early for SASC Swimmers

29 Gold,  11 Silver and 8 Bronze Medals

4 Top Guns  and ……………..71 Pbs !!

Those are the numbers behind last weekends fantastic performance by 14 of our SASC swimmers.

Although the medal haul is impressive, the number of Pbs is remarkable. EVERY SINGLE SWIMMER achieved a Pb over the weekend.

Alex, Jack, Dylan and Amelia finished Top Gun in their age groups (pts scored in all 50m events) with Sonny, Charlie and Ryan finishing in the top 3.

Top Gold medalists were Amelia, 11( from 11 races !),Ryan6,Alex 4,Dylan/ Natasha 3.

Well done to Marco and Freya for getting their first medals at an Open Meet. Charlie and Sonny also weighed in with medals as did Jake.

Jessie and Molly swam their hearts out, in a very competitive age group, and achieved some great Pbs.

Finally a very special mention for Megan, who cancelled attending a family outing AND missed a friends birthday party to attend this gala. That is true dedication and she was rewarded with some great   Pbs.

Our thanks go to Kav and Mackinh, for their fantastic coaching. They were stunned by the performance, and went away, as did we all, a very happy and PROUD group.


The last Arena League Gala is on Saturday 13th Dec, please be available for it, WE’RE ON FIRE !!!!!!! ( Not literally, of course !! )

Code of Conduct

If you haven't already signed and returned your new, updated version of the Club's Code of Conduct you are requested to do so by Friday 31st of October. You can sumbit them by hand to any of the committee members, or swimmers can hand them to a coach at the start of training. They can also be emailed to the Club Secretary kelly Wild.

Swimmers who have not signed the code of conduct by this date will not be permitted to train with the club until they have done so.

Tuck Shop

The new Friday night tuck shop is proving to be a great sucess. Thanks to Tammy who is sorting out all the tuck and a big thank you to all the parents who have voulenteered so far and remember its not too late to put your name on the sign up sheet.

Annual AGM 2014

Southwark Aquatics held it's annual AGM on Sunday. The committee would like to thank everyone who attended for their continued support. 

A new committe was voted in with several new members and a slight reshuffle of the existing members - details of which will be avaliable shortly on the website.

The club enjoyed a sucessful season last year and we are looking forward to an equally good season this year.

Romford Town Gala

Southwark Aquatics were represented at the Romford Town Gala by Sonny and Alex from Skills development squad. Sonny did himself and the Club proud by winning lots of medals and getting a 7 second pb.

Barry Abin Cup and More......

A fun time was had by everyone who attended the SASC Annual picnic and Prize giving. There were many awards including 1st Team Gala certificates for Stan, Megan, Freya, Stella, Noah & Darius.

Swimmer of the month was awarded to Jack from Top squad and Owen from Skills squad.

Swimming personalities of the year medals were given to Maria, Diana,Victor and Ryan. The Barry Albin most improved swimmer trophy was awared to Connor for his improved performance over the past season.

London Regional Sprints 2014

SASC was representsed by Jake, Jack and Kelsey at this Years' London Regional Sprints. Jake had great swims and came 4th in both the Freestyle and the Butterfly, and came away with a pb. Kelsey also swam well and got a pb. Jack had a great day and got a good pb in the Butterfly, he also came 6th in the Freestyle and the Butterfly. Jack's big achievement however was winning the 50m Breaststroke for the second year running.

Well done everyone!

Annual Club Picnic

The annual club picnic will be held at Southwark Park, on 13th July at 2:30.

Bring along some food to share and join us for fun and games, Swimmers of the month award and the Presentation of the Barry Albin Most Improved Swimmer Cup. Then head back to the pool at 5:30 for some water

Jack Petchey Winner May 2014

Our 3rd Jack Petchey Foundation award has been given to Jake Godden from our Elite Squad. Jake was nomiated by our coaches and by his team mates for his dedication to his training during his GCSE's. Despite having a heavy workload revising for his exams Jake continued to attend training and has been an excellant role model to our younger swimmers showing that with planning and commitment you can have it all. We wish Jake the best of luck as he awaits his results.

White Horse League Round 2

The 2nd round of the White Horse League will held on 5th July, at Crook Log in Bexley.

Please check the Fixtures pages to see if you have been selected to swim for the club.


London Regional Age Group Championships

The London Regional Championships got underway last weekend. This year the competition is being held at the London Aquatics Centre. Jack, Connor and Amelia all competed, with both Connor and Amelia making it to the finals in their events.


This weekend we wish Amelia, Diana and Jack the best of luck in the competition.

SASC achieve Swim 21status

Over the last couple of months the coaches and Committee member have worked really hard towards Swim 21 accreditation. Swim 21 coordinator in our club is Christine and we are really grateful for all the hard work she put in. We are pleased to announce that we were successful and have been awarded Swim21 Club Essential Accreditation. Swim21 offers national recognition which means that we are providing a quality service for all your members. Please separate letter regarding club’s expectations

Swimmer of the month

Swimmer of the month for April was awarded to Elite Squad swimmer Amelia for for all her hard work during training. Keep up the good work Amelia.

Jack Petchy Winner March 2014

The Jack Petchy Award for March 2013 was awarded to Connor for the extra effort he has put into his training, this includes coming to the pool on his own in the mornings before school.

Swimmer of the Year

Swimmer of the year, Jack Wild, 13, receieved his trophy and a Gift of £50 from Mr Albin, the patron of Southwark Aquatics. 


Jack recieved the cup after joining the club in Sept 2012 and progressing from Level 8 to the Top Squad in only 3 months. Jack Qualified for the Surrey County Championships in the same season and in July won Gold at the London Regional Sprint meet for the 50m Breaststroke.


1st Jack Petchy Award

Alex, from Skills Developement Squad, was our 1st Jack Petchey Foundation award winner.

This photo shows Alex collecting his medal at the JPF Awards Winner celebration dinner. Well Done Alex! December 2013

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