Christmas at Dagenham

Its the last weekend before Christmas and you'd think the swimmers would be off relaxing with some last minute shopping or catching up on some Christmas movies on TV.
But they were in East London for a gala held by Barking & Dagenham swimming club. The competition was on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with SASC swimmers taking part in all three days.

It turned out to be another magnificent weekend, with lots of early Christmas presents for some of the swimmers. Many medals were won (as shown in photo, courteous of Freya), also 38 PBs, 12 more county qualifying times and 12 club records that had new names to them.

Alex added another 3 county times making it 11 events in total, the most from the club so far followed by Amelia and Freya with 10 county times each.
Maria attempted the 100 Free and 200 IM for the first time and obtained county times for them, taking her total to 7 (the 4th most from club).

Congratulations to Sophia and Shania for getting their first county times.
Sophia in the 200 Breast recorded the 6th fastest time this year by a 9 yrs old in the whole of UK.
Shania got her first county time in the 100 Fly in her first ever swim of the event in an open meet.
In the 100 Breast, due to incorrect entry times, Shania was put in the 2nd fastest heat, swimming against 14 and 15 year olds.

But that did not faze her as she put in a tremendous effort and knocked over 3secs off her PB to obtain her 2nd county time.
There were also county times for Connor, Marco and Natasha (2).
Natasha set 3 new open club record in the 100 Breast, 200 IM and 800 Free.
Amelia and Connor also set new open club records in the 200 Back and 1500 Free (respectively), with Connor knocking over 19secs off the previous record.
Sophia in the 200 Breast smashed the age group record that has stood since 2008 by over 10secs.
Other record breakers were Alex, Freya, Marco and Maria.
Also well done to Ellis who took part in her first ever open meet. She showed no nerves and put in superb swims in the 50 Free and 50 Fly.
Overall a very successful weekend and great way to sign off the year and time to enjoy Christmas and New Year, well done everyone!!